Friday, October 17, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tummy Time

Ketan has really improved at tummy time lately! It's amazing how much he learns in just 1 week. At first, he would complain a ton, but lately, if we spend some time on his side first, he doesn't complain at all! Check out how good he is doing. I think we have achieved 90 degrees!

He always has the funniest expressions while he is doing his tummy time. Here he seems to be saying "oh.... i'm really not sure about this!"

After tummy time, we try & reward him by playing his favorite games. Here, Greg is playing with his feet. What a cute father & son moment!!!

Mr. Mom

Dad is in charge now! (scary, huh?)
I have taken over baby-sitting duties starting October 1st when Anju went back to work. I got a slow introduction because Anju only was at the office that one day that week. Last week, she started her full routine with M-W in the office and Th-F partial work days from home. I would say I'm slowly gaining some confidence that I can keep the wheels on (i.e., continue growing baby). The most important thing is to always have a bottle ready for the hungry baby. Ketan doesn't like to wait for food anymore than his father. He is actually pretty easy to take care of because he is such a good sleeper.
So, up until last week, it was all about the bouncy chair for entertainment. You can see him in action here:

Since then, he is getting interactive and working on his hand/eye coordination. He has a ways to go, but he is certainly enjoying the process...

Thursday, October 9, 2008